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Honest and True emotion is what comes out of me in this blog. It's a must that I express myself, who I am, my love, happiness, sadness, anger, and what I don't understand. Oh yea, even poems, short stories and random questions. I was asking myself why did I ever stop writing. Honestly I have no idea why but I do know why I must start now because I need to have an outlet to my thoughts. Also a new hobby while I'm on maternity leave for the next year...Enjoy

Saturday, September 4, 2010

How I judge style... style 101

     Who says that fashion makes a person? I certainly have yet to meet someone whom is made of clothes. Even though that's all I hear on TV, not to mention these days everyone is a fashion guru. From high end magazines to overloading twitter accounts. I just don't see the fuss... maybe that's why I'm not a competior on these fashion shows. I'm tried of hearing " Oh my God... you look good grab a purse and be done!!!" Hellloooo who are you, to tell me what accessories go with what. Or my favorite some people will not talk because what I wear is bad. You know...for example we can not be friends because what I have worn you had never had the chance to flaunt.
     Please let's not talk about being to thin or overly lovable to shop for the latest pieces. Why do we have to stress getting on the scale, next thing I will hear is "why have I not Bedazzled my scale? all the celebs have done it." What is it with people down-grading mass production stores like Wal-mart, Target, TJ Maxx, etc. I love/live for these stores, I go here for all my clothes. I am seeing more and more robots or copycats in the fashion realm. What happen to being original with a sense of flare? Personally I strive for the naturalist/minimalist route... I  enjoy completing my look on less is more. If this fashion realm could go back to "I am being me... now let's see you". Things would be great.
     My desire is to see that we as a people/a whole should become more in tune with our inner being. The inner being would allow us to dress ourselves as naturally and funky as we can labels ourselves. So I guess I need to fast facts when this high-end fashion started and what it has made us become. There is no turning back now... I will, he will, she will, and we will have to continue to live in the fashion realm of copycats.

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